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Over the summer, I took a chance by posting in a local moms group on Facebook that I was looking for an expecting mom who was interested in having a birth photographer.  I have been looking to build my portfolio and thought this would be a great way to do it!  Not long after I posted I received a message from this incredible Mama.  She told me she was expecting her third baby and had always wanted to have birth photos done.  I could not have been more excited!

Fast forward to almost three months later and I receive a text message from Martha saying that contractions had started but nothing regular or close.  For the next two and a half days, Martha labored at home like the rockstar that she is.  Meanwhile, I'm anxiously awaiting the "THIS IS IT" text message which finally came on the afternoon of November 6, 2017.  Martha decided to go to her last doctors appointment to be checked as she hadn't felt like labor was really progressing.  When they checked her for dilation, they found that she was 8cm (yes, you read that right).  I received a text from Martha's husband that they were sending her to the hospital by ambulance so I quickly headed that way, hoping I would make it in time.

I rushed up to the birthing unit at South Shore Hospital, camera in hand, and walked in to find Martha breathing through a contraction.  I got right to work and began capturing this amazing Mama calmly and beautifully laboring as her husband supported her through each contraction.  In the beginning, there was some laughing between contractions but you could feel the air shift as they became more intense and baby was readying. She continued to labor on her hands and knees until baby was ready and after a couple pushes, sweet Phoebe Annmarie was welcomed earth-side.  Martha and Derek's third beautiful girl!

I was so incredibly honored to be given the opportunity to document this amazing family's birth story and bear witness once again to the incredible power that a Woman's body holds.  I continue to be so incredibly impressed by the amazing labor & delivery nurses at South Shore Hospital as well as the options Women have to birth the way they choose while in a hospital setting.

Congratulations again guys!

It's a girl!

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